The LMV321, LMV358, LMV324, and LMV324S devices are single, dual, and quad low-voltage (2.7 V to 5.5 V) operational amplifiers with rail-to-rail output swing. These devices are the most cost-effective solutions for applications where low-voltage operation, space saving, and low cost are needed. These amplifiers are designed specifically for low-voltage (2.7 V to 5 V) operation, with performance specifications meeting or exceeding the LM358 and LM324 devices that operate from 5 V to 30 V. With package sizes down to one-half the size of the DBV (SOT-23) package, these devices can be used for a variety of applications.
LMV358IDRE4 运算放大器 运放 Dual Lw V R/R Op Amp
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